Past projects

Past projects

An archive of our completed projects. Find out about previous conservation efforts, our successes, and opportunities we have carried forward.


Explore past projects

Chalk Streams and Wetland Meadows Project (2021-2023)

Funded by the Green Recovery Challenge Fund, the project combined practical restoration with education and engagement focussing on chalk streams and wetland habitats.

Open for Business: promoting tourism in the central Chilterns (2020-2023)

A three-year programme to build a vibrant visitor economy in the Central Chilterns that included festivals, events, communications and marketing.

Beacons of the Past (2018-2023)

An exciting project that engaged and inspired communities to discover, conserve and enjoy the Chilterns' Iron Age hillforts.

Chiltern Woodlands Project (1989-2020)

The Chilterns Woodland project promoted a sustainable woodland economy and raised awareness, understanding and enjoyment of woodlands in the Chilterns.

Chiltern Commons Project (2011-2015)

Commons play a valuable role in the natural and cultural heritage of the Chilterns National Landscape.

Special Trees and Woods Project (2006-2010)

The Special Trees and Woods Project ran from 2006 to 2010. It researched and recorded the history of special trees and woods in the Chilterns National Landscape.

Box Woodland Project (2013-2015)

The Chilterns Box Woodland Project researched, conserved and celebrated the area’s box heritage.

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Chilterns ANOB

Bookable experiences

We have carefully chosen our most immersive and memorable Chilterns Countryside Experiences to share with you here. Choose from Active Countryside, Chilterns Food & Drink, Countryside Learning and Chilterns Sightseeing. All are bookable online.
Chilterns ANOB

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