Notice of planned works to the River Chess at Chesham Moor

Notice of planned works to the River Chess at Chesham Moor

Exciting planned river restoration works at Chesham Moor will temporarily reduce access to the area this autumn/winter.

Information about a river channel enhancement scheme that is due to start on a side channel of the river Chess on 24th September 2024 and will take 6 to 8 weeks  (subject to consents being granted).

  • The failing concrete banks will be removed and the area re-naturalised, reinstating a channel that is characteristic of other less-modified chalk streams
  • The existing concrete foot bridge will be replaced with one that allows safe, step-free access across the channel for parents with children and those with mobility impairments.
  • A reed-bed sustainable drainage system will be installed to intercept flow from road-side gullies on Bois Moor Road, helping to prevent pollutants from entering the channel.
  • A new, gravel, sloped access-ramp will be installed at the confluence of the side stream and the main river, which will provide safer access to the river for families and school groups

Having taken on board feedback from local businesses, residents, Chesham Athletic, Chesham Town Council, Buckinghamshire Council and the Environment Agency, we will be creating a natural amenity for the local community to enjoy as well as providing habitat for water vole, brown trout and other river creatures.

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Concept plan of Chesham Moor river channel enhancement works

The project has been developed by the Chilterns Chalk Streams Project and the Chiltern Society in partnership with Chesham Town Council and the Environment Agency, and will be delivered by Maydencroft Ltd.

This work is being paid for by Affinity Water Ltd., the Heritage Lottery’s Green Recovery Challenge fund, DEFRA’s Access for All fund and Chesham Town Council’s Mayoral fund.

Impact of works on recreational users of Chesham Moor

Thank you for allowing us to improve your chalk stream. Here is some further information relating to the scheme and the temporary impact on your enjoyment of Chesham Moor:

  • We will have to remove much of the in-channel vegetation to carry out the works, but please be-assured that the seedbank will remain in the silt and soil allowing a good recovery in the spring. If needed we will encourage recovery with supplementary planting.
  • We will keep the pathways open as much as possible, but will have to close the bridge during its replacement. This is planned for a five day window and will avoid a weekend.
  • Extensive flood modelling has taken place that shows no increase in flood risk in the local area as a result of the works.
  • Aware that this is a site of historical interest, an archaeologist will be on site during the early digging phase and available throughout the project to provide a watching brief, advice and support.
  • We are undertaking this project now to minimise the impact on the local ecology, including the brown trout and water voles that inhabit the main river Chess.
  • Sediment release into the main river during works is being controlled through natural material which capture silt while allowing water through. This is a common method control on this type of project.
  • After the works are completed, the site may need to be fenced to provide protection it as it settles in over the winter. Any fencing will be removed during Spring 2025.
  • An ongoing management plan for the site has been agreed with Chesham Town Council and will involve support from the Chesham Environmental Group

If you have any questions or for more information, please contact Adrian Porter of the Chilterns Chalk Streams Project on 07469 946200

Impact of works on school visits to Chesham Moor

We hope in the long term this will make access to the river safer for the many school groups which visit. However it means that from Sept 24th 2024 – late spring 2025 this section of the river will be inaccessible. If you are planning to carry out fieldwork on the River Chess during this period, please be aware you will not be able to access the river in the area shown in the adjacent map, so will need to make alternative arrangements.

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The area of the River Chess at Chesham Moor that will be affected by the planned works

If you have any further questions about the planned works please do get in touch with Adrian Porter, who will be leading on the practical works.

Our project case study may be useful for students. All other teaching resources are available on the education pages of our website.

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